by Shawna Coppola, TheEdCollab Fellow, and Christopher Lehman, TheEdCollab Founding Director
5 Reasons to Join #TheEdCollabGathering
Join us live, online, this Saturday, April 6! Not able to? The entire K-12 literacy conference is archived!
One of the most cringe-worthy aspects of being an educator on Twitter is that feeling of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) one gets when colleagues and friends are gleefully tweeting about the learning they’ve gained from attending a global or national conference.
As we have all been painfully aware at one time or another, attending such a conference is wrought with costs, not the least of which is the cost of travel; there’s also the cost of planning two or more days’ worth of inexpensive meals in an unfamiliar city, the cost of time writing sub plans for the days you’ll be absent from your classroom–there’s even the dreaded emotional cost of knowing that when you finally return home after an exhausting (yet exhilarating) educational experience, the household will look as if your family actually enjoys living in squalor. (Or is that just me?)
For our biannual #TheEdCollabGathering, though, none of these costs apply. You get to sit at home in the same exact clothes you woke up in, grab some coffee from your Kuerig, and join educators, authors, researchers, and all around incredible speakers… all for free!
The Gathering, held each September and April, is The Educator Collaborative’s gift to educators. There is no registration, no logging in, you just go to the site and watch what you’d like.
5 Reasons to Join

Viewing is easy
- Got to
- There, use the top menu to:
- preview the Agenda
- go to the Keynotes
- hover over any Session to select workshops to view
- donate to the Adopted Charity of the day
There is no logging in, you just click and view when you’d like.
We recommend tuning in live, so you can tweet along with sessions, interact with other participants, and send questions to the presenters. The hashtag for the day is #TheEdCollabGathering.
If, though, you miss any live workshops, they are all archived until the next Gathering. You’ll have all summer to view workshops from this weekend. ☀️
Spring Keynotes
Award-winning children’s author, poet, and American Ninja Warrior, Charles R. Smith, Jr. kicks off our day during our 9:45AM EST Opening Session.
Our Closing Session, at 3:00PM EST, is led by teachers and students sharing their work through inquiry to impact the world.
Full Day of Learning
Many sessions from inspiring, practical speakers all day long. Visit the Agenda for workshop titles, times, and presenters.
We look forward to seeing you online!